The Four Essential Functions: Document Organization and Classification

Documents in FormKiQ can be classified and organized using features such as customizable metadata, classification schemas, document relationships, and multi-team and multi-tenant support.

Documents in FormKiQ can be classified and organized using the following features:

Add, Edit, and Remove Document Metadata using API, Console, or Client SDK

FormKiQ relies on flexible metadata, including customizable document attributes, to allow unlimited classification of documents. FormKiQ provides various methods for creating, updating, and deleting metadata, including the Document API, the Document Console, and functions within the FormKiQ JavaScript Client SDK.

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FormKiQ Core FormKiQ Essentials FormKiQ Advanced FormKiQ Enterprise

Data Classification That's Both Simple and Powerful

FormKiQ stores document metadata in Amazon DynamoDB, easily accessible to your applications and other AWS products.

The FormKiQ Document API provides simple RESTful methods for adding, updating, and removing metadata, while the FormKiQ Document Console provides an efficient interfaces for metadata update. As well, the JavaScript Client SDK enables the API to be added to a front-end web application with minimal setup.

Add Metadata Based on Document Content, Using AI

FormKiQ integrates with External LLM APIs to create metadata based on the content of a document, reducing the amount of time and resources required to classify documents. This functionality is also expanded on in FormKiQ Advanced and Enterprise using the Enhanced Intelligent Document Processing Module, enabling the entire process to run safely within your cloud account through Amazon Bedrock and its wide selection of large language models.

Available with:

FormKiQ Core FormKiQ Essentials FormKiQ Advanced FormKiQ Enterprise

Intelligent Data Classification powered by AI

First, documents can be run through an OCR process as needed, and then the "Document Tagging" action can be initiated for a document, with a list of metadata to create from the document's content. These tag keys and values are then automatically added to the document.

For more advanced intelligent document processing, FormKiQ Enterprise offers the Enhanced Enhanced Intelligent Document Analysis using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Module as an Optional Add-On.

Create Document Relationships, as well as parent and child document structures, to enable seamless linkages and hierarchies to match processes

FormKiQ allows relationship attributes to be created, as well as child documents to be nested within a parent document. This is a common use-case, such as documents that contain sub-documents like file attachments, or documents that are related, including appendices and renditions.

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FormKiQ Core FormKiQ Essentials FormKiQ Advanced FormKiQ Enterprise

Keep child documents related to their parent

The parent document contains a "documents" property that can store one level of child documents. For more complex mapping, you can specify levels of documents and their relationships using document tags.

Create Sub-Organizations or Teams for Multi-Team and Multi-Tenant Document Management

Using Amazon Cognito, FormKiQ provides separation between groups of users, whether internal or external.

Available with:

FormKiQ Core FormKiQ Essentials FormKiQ Advanced FormKiQ Enterprise

Site IDs to Isolate Your Documents

Being able to separate documents into separate teams or even organizations is an important use case, and FormKiQ allows this by default through its "Site ID" functionality.

Enable Document Classification Schemas to specify required and optional attributes and create efficient search patterns

Using AWS Lambda functions, FormKiQ provides customizable validation to safeguard document metadata and provide easier classification through consistent classification schemas. In addition, composite key functionality powers more efficient and cost-effective searches.

Available with:

FormKiQ Core FormKiQ Essentials FormKiQ Advanced FormKiQ Enterprise

Build Validation and Search Patterns into Your DMS

Using classification schemas, it's possible to use required attributes, optional attributes, and default attribute values to better control the information being added to your Document Metadata.

NOTE: Document Classification Schemas also include Composite Keys, which provides additional search functionality within Amazon DynamoDB.